Photography Series NYC spring

In 2014 I followed an invitation by SolarC³ITIES TH Culhane to visit NYC, Dobbs Ferry. It was the first time I went to the States.

Waiting for the flight from Dusseldorf to New York city

Waiting for the flight to leave

When we were sitting at the Düsseldorf Airport we where that early that we switched seats many times.

the mud, the shit, and what you do for biogas

The mud, the shit

For demonstration of biogas systems we filled a bucket with duck shit and water from the local pond.

Grand central station

Grand central station

The one and only Grand central station. you couldn't miss it.

Wating for Miss Liberty (Freiheitsstatue) to arrive

Wait, wait - I can see her

The moment before Miss Liberty comes into sight seen from the Staten Island Ferry. The ferry is for free. Therefore it is crowded all the time.

Miss Liberty - or what is visible of her

Miss Liberty - or what is visible of her

Taking the Staten Island Ferry. Which is for free (2014). Get your place at the window first.

Water tower everywhere - but no green roofs, a view from the Empire State Building, NYC, USA

Water towers everywhere

When you look closer on the sky scrapers top you will see water towers everywhere. But there are some things you won't see:

this is Manhattan - the south part of it

this is Manhattan - the south part of it

what should I say about south Manhattan viewed from the Empire State Building? Hey man - it's the big apple.

The death in the streets of NY at Williamsburg

The death in the streets of NY

When we walked from Champs Family Diner in Williamsburg down to the Brooklyn Bridge Park we came across…

Brooklyn Bridge Park after sundown

A view behind the Brooklyn Bridge viewers point at the park

The Brooklyn Bridge is one of the most photographed bridges in NYC.

NCY Skyscrappering

NCY Skyscrappering

You will look whats above. You will do it often. After some days you are used to it. But in the beginning you will look up.

NY times square - where the time is (where the live is)

Times Square

At the NY Times Square is a grand stand. You can walk it up, have a seat, relax. And you can take some photos, especially when it is night.

at the museum of modern art

at the museum of modern art

Isn't it one of the best (or most) known art museums of the world? It is. Though, this and the Guggenheim were on the list.

The waste of New York city

The waste of New York city

Ther is waste. That's for sure. New Yorkers like takeaways and they like it often.

NYC Skyline from JFK

NYC Skyline from JFK

On the way back to Duesseldorf, Germany. NYC Skyline seen from JFK airport in NYC.

Where no one looks at

Ruhrpott Part Four - long kiss goodbye

Part four of the Ruhrpott series. The final chapter. I was already torn away from Essen.

Biogas experts discussing the production of a new biogas storage

biogas experimentation week

In August 2015 I went to Tamera for the 3rd Blueprint meeting and the Biogas experimentation week.

A black board in front of a vegetarian restaurant in Dublin, Ireland

the blue flame tour

In 2014 I went to Ireland for protest, permaculture and biogas.

Oslo Permanent

In 2019 I went to Oslo for the Nordic Institute…

Shadows on the wall

a Finnish year

On the 25th of May 2016 I moved to Finland with my wife. We live on the countryside near the lovely small town Pälkäne.

The Park deck at the Essen Rathaus Gallery

Ruhrpott Part Three - return of the wiseguys

3rd Part of the Ruhrpott Quadrologie. I walked through the city several times at different hours.

Detail photo of an ant sitting on a plant leave

twenty days and one week

In 2015 we stayed for twenty days and one week in Finland.

A boat at the beach of Faro, Portugal, during low tide

into the blue

In April 2015 I went to Portugal for the 2nd Tameran Blueprint meeting.

A closer lock at flowers at Stone Barns, New York, USA

the 7 states

In March 2016 Lumia and I travelled 7 US states. We were invited by Solar C³ITIES INC, a non-for-profit organization based in Pennsylvania.