Artwork - the sustainable side

A selection of categories of art I have worked in. While there are categories to show diversity most of my work can be categorized as Upcycling or Sustainable art. A chronological view is available as well.

<p>Chips, ICs, Integrated Circuits. Art made from them.
Great artworks and contemporary art can be produced using the collage technique.
floppydiskism is about everything that can be done with floppy disks in an art context.
hdd is short fo Hard Disk Drive.
The most unique room-in-room installations. Find yourself inside a space ship and on an abandoned planet.
Using micro controllers and different type of sensors, motors, etc. to put the spectator into the driver seat.
polar drawings are most unique pieces of modern, contemporary art.
Upcycling means the usage of abandoned materials to create something new.

Selected Works

Many of the created artworks below use trashed materials, like floppy disks, hard drive, printed circuit boards, cpus, etc. The proportion of end-of-lifetime materials in any artwork shown here is over 50%.

On the desert planet - outside the C74

The beautiful space ship returns

On a beautiful spring day we sat for brunch at the gallery „Clowns und Pferde“ in Essen Frohnhausen, Germany.

8 BIT Beretta on floppy disks

8 BIT Beretta

Weapons are as obsolete as floppy disks, yet they are still around.

Silkscren of Michi on a 3.5" floppy disk. Contemporary artwork


Michi, aka DJ Cosinus. He is label DJ and Producer for the GOA label Sangoma Records. 

Silkscren of Klaus on a 3.5" floppy disk. Contemporary artwork- light green version

Klaus I

A portrait of Klaus, a friend of mine. Together we organized Drupal Camps in Essen, Ruhr Area, Germany.

Fortress of solidarity selector - interactive installation

Fortress of solidarity selector

The „Fortress of solidarity selector“ is an interactive video platform. The user puts a color stick into a tube to play and watch videos.

die Wabe, analog interactive sculpture by Dominik Jais

die Wabe

Die Wabe (German for „the comb“) is an analog (or even digital) interactive sculpture (installation?) especially created for the landing of the…

are you here? series by dominik Jais - pcb styled print on pc - contemporary abstract art

are you here?

Are you here is contemporary abstract art made of an old computer case.

interactive installation using LCD + Arduino

you and me

the question whether the viewer of the object is viewing the object or not.

The Kurbel - interactive art installation

The Kurbel

Kurbel is an interactive installation consisting of 2 cranks (Kurbel is German for crank), 2 Gameboys™ and 2 LEDs.

Art made of Hard drive parts - modern and contemporary - Icons of Speed

Icons of Speed I

Distance sensor meassuring the distance of the viewer to the object.

Silk screen on hard drive disk. unique. first, awesome upcyling by artist Dominik Jais

are you certain? (or do you still believe in politics)

Part of the brave new words series. Are you certain is the queston the viewer has to answer.

Shapes of mine - interactiv generative art installation by Dominik Jais

Shapes of mine

Shapes of mine is an interactive installation, precisely it is interactive generative art.

interactive Floppy disk sculpture by Dominik Jais

A question of speach

The interactive sculpture "A question of speach" shows how people react to a continuous low fidelity playback of recordings of famous speaches of…

Self portait of artist Dominik Jais

Selfportrait II

Self portrait of Dominik Jais

Art made of Hard drive parts - modern and contemporary

Mirror, Mirror on the wall - who is the sustainabelst of them all?

Mirror, Mirror on the wall - who is the sustainabelst of them all? Art made of Hard drive parts

Icons of Speed - interactiv sculpture, modern and contemporary

Icons of Speed II

The Icons of Speed series is an interactive object made of hard drive motors and hard drive plates.

The Birds III - silk screen artwork by dominik jais

The Birds III

The birds series is pretty special.

light object artwork - The Birds IV by Dominik Jais

The Birds IV

Silk screening on 3.5" hard drive plate as well as silk screening on wood. Additional lightin behind the wood plate.

Circle III - silk screen on a 3.5" hard drive plate

Circle III

The 3rd work of the circle series. A reflection about the fragmentation of time and speed.

Ruhrgebiet III - silk screen on computer hard drive - contemporary art

Ruhrgebiet III

When I first saw the Ruhrgebiet (Ruhr-Area, Germany) from one of the remaining slag heaps I recognized all the…

my face II inspired by batous eyes - modern artwork on easel

s9 II

The original face II is printed on an old portable easel. The eyes are made of old 3.5" hard drive motors.

I be em, chipart by Dominik Jais

I be em

Chips (roms) stitched through canvas.

Floppy Disc Sculpture by Dominik Jais


It's from 2009 and was the one of the first sculptures I did using 3.5" floppy disks and it is the first floppy disk sculptures world wide.

C74 space ship room-in-room installation - high value artwork

C74 space ship

In 2014 the artist group 128byte created the room-in-room installation C74 at the Gallery Clowns & Pferde in Essen, Germany.

my face I - inspired by Batous eyes - contemporary artwork by Dominik Jais

s9 I

The original face II is printed on an old portable easel. The eyes are made of old 3.5" hard drive motors.