The last episode of the Ruhrpott tetralogie is now online at Ruhrpott Part IV - long kiss goodby.
It was a pleasure creating the series, going back through all the memories of all the photos I took. Some of them are shot to create an reaction at the viewer while others just happened while there was the right moment.
I hope that the balance will create an outstanding photo documentation of the Ruhr Area. Something that is more than just nice photos that are sold in high gloss albums or big prints.
The parts of the tetralogie:
Ruhrpott Part I - a new city
Ruhrpott Part Two - The night strike back
Ruhrpott Part Three - Return of the wiseguys
Ruhpott Part Four - Long kiss goodbye
They are all connected. I suggest to start with the first one and then use the links to the next chapter.
If you have any questions let me know.