Photography Series Ruhrpott Part One - a new city

Over 8 years I took a lot of photos. I started with a Canon 60D and then switched to a Sony Nex 7. Those bulky and heavy DSLRs are like dinosaurs. They sooner or later die. I never regret switching to a mirror less cam, never. As the photos are in chronological order you can try to find the switch of cams, but I doubt that it is possible without looking into the source code. This is the first episode, of the Ruhrpott series. It is called "A new city". A new city, because we moved from Dublin to Essen in 2008. Photos are in chronological order.

The gazometer in Oberhausen crowded during a show

Die Männer im Mond

When we started in Essen we visited a lot of different places and sights. We also visited the Gasometer in Oberhausen.

People in a cage at the top of the Gasometer in Oberhausen

The cage

I often take photos of people taking photos. I really love to do that.

A sign besides a desk at the Unperfekthaus Essen

Internet for free

The Unperfekthaus was a pretty nice place during my first 5 years in Essen.

Top of the Schurenbachalde in Essen, Germany


The Ruhr-Area is famous for their slack-heaps ("Halde").

View from the Schurenbachhalde during the Schachtzeigen Event, Ruhr 2010


During Essen 2010, Essen was the European cultural capital during that year; the people of the Ruhr-Area organized a lot of events.

People looking for books at the book thrift of the animal shelter in Essen, Germany

The Book thrift

I often went to the local animal shelter for their open day.

The Tetraeder at Halde Beckstraße


Tetradingens. It is embarrassing that the guy who created the architecture didn't allow the alien creatures. Worthless talking about it.

At the top of Halde Beckstraße, Germany

Walk this way

At the top of Halde Beckstraße, Germany

A look upwards at the subway station Berliner Platz prior renovation

Stairway to happen

Ever been to Berliner Platz in Essen. It is (was?) one those ugly subway stations. Actually a real ugly one.

The Mercedes symbol in perfect alignment with the moon. Essen, Germany

The moon and its star

When was the last time you saw stars in the city? It doesn't happen that often due to the high impact of light pollution.

Old pass way to the University of Essen, full of removable graffiti

Du schon leben?

Are you still integrating or are you already living? is the question on of this artwork.

A40 Essen at night


The A40 divides Essen in two parts, South and North. The further south you go the bigger the houses become, the richer the people look.

A lady presenting her latest knitting shawl

In the forest

in the forest, yes, you can find a forest in Essen. Small but ok.

time exposure of a car in front of a Zeche building in Essen

White and orange

I froze my ass off while taking a series of photos in the winter at some locations in Essen.

snowed in pillars at a industrial building during winter time

Winter wonderland III

snowed in pillars at a industrial building during winter time

The orange stairs at the Ruhr Museum, Germany

Orange and black

The entrance to the Ruhr museum. The orange escalator makes the perfect color for a night shot. What do you think?

Winter roofs in Essen Südviertel

Winter wonderland

Just snow, finally. That's one of the things I missed in Essen very much: Snow. I was used to Bavarian or Berlin winters.

A room with a view during a rainy day

the living room

We were living in a small flat in Essen. The rent was cheap as we also rented the furnishing. Nice small flat... *sigh*

A lady standing in front of the window during a rainy day

It's raining again

A lady standing in front of the window during a rainy day

Shot of the Drupal box at the Open Rhein Ruhr, Oberhausen, Germany

Drupalistas at ORR

Together with the colleagues of the "Open Ruhrgebiet e.V." we had a booth at the "Open Rhein-Ruhr", a event about Open Source.

A closer lock at flowers at Stone Barns, New York, USA

the 7 states

In March 2016 Lumia and I travelled 7 US states. We were invited by Solar C³ITIES INC, a non-for-profit organization based in Pennsylvania.

A small transporter besides a tree at an ecovillage

Portuguese days

In September 2017 I went to Portugal to meet with the Blueprint Alliance.

BMX - zero gravity - in Berlin

I love Berlin

Berlin, the capital of Germany. I have to say: yes, I do love Berlin.

Where no one looks at

Ruhrpott Part Four - long kiss goodbye

Part four of the Ruhrpott series. The final chapter. I was already torn away from Essen.

A free wish - falling star during a night in Tamera, Portugal

oh my portugal

Visting Portugal / Tamera ecoVillage in September 2014 on invitation by Solar C³ities e.V. I joined the Blueprint, a group of like minded people…

Biogas experts discussing the production of a new biogas storage

biogas experimentation week

In August 2015 I went to Tamera for the 3rd Blueprint meeting and the Biogas experimentation week.

Nothing but salad

The LINK exchange

While being on Gran Canaria - specifically Las Palmas - for the LINK project - I had the chance to take my old Nex 7 out and shoot some photos.…

A black board in front of a vegetarian restaurant in Dublin, Ireland

the blue flame tour

In 2014 I went to Ireland for protest, permaculture and biogas.

Sundown in Essen showing RWE Tower, Evonic

Ruhrpott Part Two - the night strikes back

Part two of the Ruhrpott Series. I visited Tiger and Turtle, helped a butterfly, opened the EmptySpace, and yes: I took a lots of sundown photos…

Cuba - Havanna - A street

cuban affairs

Cigars, cars and landscapes. Photos from Cuba, the city of Havana, and Varadero