Photography about cuba

Havanna, Rum, Cigares, Music, Cuba Libre, Sun, Beach, Oh man, this list could be much longer.

Oldsmobile 1952 - Havanna Cuba

Oldsmobile 1952

Cuban car mechanics are probably the best in world. This photo was taken in Havana / Cuba.

Havana by night is a beautiful sight

Sight at night in Havana

The photo of Havana at night was shot without tripod.

Gecko sunning at a stone - taking in Cuba by Dominik jais

Geckos like the sun

This gecko was sitting on a stone while the sun was shining.

A closer lock at flowers at Stone Barns, New York, USA

the 7 states

In March 2016 Lumia and I travelled 7 US states. We were invited by Solar C³ITIES INC, a non-for-profit organization based in Pennsylvania.

A small transporter besides a tree at an ecovillage

Portuguese days

In September 2017 I went to Portugal to meet with the Blueprint Alliance.

Sundown in Essen showing RWE Tower, Evonic

Ruhrpott Part Two - the night strikes back

Part two of the Ruhrpott Series. I visited Tiger and Turtle, helped a butterfly, opened the EmptySpace, and yes: I took a lots of sundown photos…

Shadows on the wall

a Finnish year

On the 25th of May 2016 I moved to Finland with my wife. We live on the countryside near the lovely small town Pälkäne.

Miss Liberty - or what is visible of her

NYC spring

In 2014 I followed an invitation by SolarC³ITIES TH Culhane to visit NYC, Dobbs Ferry. It was the first time I went to the States.

Biogas experts discussing the production of a new biogas storage

biogas experimentation week

In August 2015 I went to Tamera for the 3rd Blueprint meeting and the Biogas experimentation week.

A40 Essen at night

Ruhrpott Part One - a new city

Over 8 years I took a lot of photos. I started with a Canon 60D and then switched to a Sony Nex 7. Those bulky and heavy DSLRs are like dinosaurs…

A black board in front of a vegetarian restaurant in Dublin, Ireland

the blue flame tour

In 2014 I went to Ireland for protest, permaculture and biogas.