Photography about lincoln memorial

Behind the crowed at Lincoln Monument

If Abe would have seen that

Behind the crowed at Lincoln Monument.

BMX - zero gravity - in Berlin

I love Berlin

Berlin, the capital of Germany. I have to say: yes, I do love Berlin.

A small transporter besides a tree at an ecovillage

Portuguese days

In September 2017 I went to Portugal to meet with the Blueprint Alliance.

Miss Liberty - or what is visible of her

NYC spring

In 2014 I followed an invitation by SolarC³ITIES TH Culhane to visit NYC, Dobbs Ferry. It was the first time I went to the States.

Cuba - Havanna - A street

cuban affairs

Cigars, cars and landscapes. Photos from Cuba, the city of Havana, and Varadero

Where no one looks at

Ruhrpott Part Four - long kiss goodbye

Part four of the Ruhrpott series. The final chapter. I was already torn away from Essen.

Sundown in Essen showing RWE Tower, Evonic

Ruhrpott Part Two - the night strikes back

Part two of the Ruhrpott Series. I visited Tiger and Turtle, helped a butterfly, opened the EmptySpace, and yes: I took a lots of sundown photos…

Biogas experts discussing the production of a new biogas storage

biogas experimentation week

In August 2015 I went to Tamera for the 3rd Blueprint meeting and the Biogas experimentation week.

Shadows on the wall

a Finnish year

On the 25th of May 2016 I moved to Finland with my wife. We live on the countryside near the lovely small town Pälkäne.