The last episode of the Ruhrpott tetralogie is now online at Ruhrpott Part IV - long…
Photography Series the 7 states
In March 2016 Lumia and I travelled 7 US states. We were invited by Solar C³ITIES INC, a non-for-profit organization based in Pennsylvania. Our first stop let us to upstate NY, Tillson. We visited Kathy Puffers Permaculture. She runs a CSA and several Biogas plant prototypes. From Kathy to TH Culhane in Dobbs Ferry, NYC, where we giving lecture at the Dobbs Ferry College. From NYC to Janice, Jody and Bob in Pennsylvania. Great week with a lot of additional travelling. Visited a Wallmart (needed to do that) and an original American Diner. Clem drove us down to Philadelphia and from there we took the bus to Washington. After some days we got back to NYC and then Germany.