Photography about motor cycle

Like cars motor cycle reach its end if not switched over to an alternative energy source.

to the north

from Germany to Denmark to Sweden to Finland - by train using a Interrail ticket.

Oslo Permanent

In 2019 I went to Oslo for the Nordic Institute…

Biogas experts discussing the production of a new biogas storage

biogas experimentation week

In August 2015 I went to Tamera for the 3rd Blueprint meeting and the Biogas experimentation week.

Where no one looks at

Ruhrpott Part Four - long kiss goodbye

Part four of the Ruhrpott series. The final chapter. I was already torn away from Essen.

Nothing but salad

The LINK exchange

While being on Gran Canaria - specifically Las Palmas - for the LINK project - I had the chance to take my old Nex 7 out and shoot some photos.…

A free wish - falling star during a night in Tamera, Portugal

oh my portugal

Visting Portugal / Tamera ecoVillage in September 2014 on invitation by Solar C³ities e.V. I joined the Blueprint, a group of like minded people…

A40 Essen at night

Ruhrpott Part One - a new city

Over 8 years I took a lot of photos. I started with a Canon 60D and then switched to a Sony Nex 7. Those bulky and heavy DSLRs are like dinosaurs…

The Park deck at the Essen Rathaus Gallery

Ruhrpott Part Three - return of the wiseguys

3rd Part of the Ruhrpott Quadrologie. I walked through the city several times at different hours.