A lady standing in front of the window during a rainy day
In March 2016 Lumia and I travelled 7 US states. We were invited by Solar C³ITIES INC, a non-for-profit organization based in Pennsylvania.
In September 2017 I went to Portugal to meet with the Blueprint Alliance.
Berlin, the capital of Germany. I have to say: yes, I do love Berlin.
Part four of the Ruhrpott series. The final chapter. I was already torn away from Essen.
Visting Portugal / Tamera ecoVillage in September 2014 on invitation by Solar C³ities e.V. I joined the Blueprint, a group of like minded people…
In August 2015 I went to Tamera for the 3rd Blueprint meeting and the Biogas experimentation week.
While being on Gran Canaria - specifically Las Palmas - for the LINK project - I had the chance to take my old Nex 7 out and shoot some photos.…
In 2014 I went to Ireland for protest, permaculture and biogas.
Part two of the Ruhrpott Series. I visited Tiger and Turtle, helped a butterfly, opened the EmptySpace, and yes: I took a lots of sundown photos…
Cigars, cars and landscapes. Photos from Cuba, the city of Havana, and Varadero
Pure floppydiskism on 68 sites, printed on 200g paper. Text is in English.
The last episode of the Ruhrpott tetralogie is now online at Ruhrpott Part IV - long…