The last episode of the Ruhrpott tetralogie is now online at Ruhrpott Part IV - long…
silk screen
Halde Rheinpreußen silk screened on a floppy disk
Numbers and fences
Numbers and fences, places of interest - silk screened on floppy disk.
ISO Octane
ISO Octane - as obsolete as the floppy disks I print on
8 BIT Beretta
Weapons are as obsolete as floppy disks, yet they are still around.
The force of nature
Don't underestimate the force of nature.
Many thanks go to Olaf, prinmaster Guru at the TBK Solingen. He tought me silk screening.
Fear of a green planet
We sending our troups to foreign countries for protecting ourself and to protect our interests.
TH Culhane, National Geographics explorer, Founder of Solar C³ITIES
8-Bit Glock
8-Bit Glock silk screened on floppy disk
Atomic power, or nuclear power plants, are as obsolete as the floppy disks their symbols are prin
GAU - German for maximum credible accident.
Michi, aka DJ Cosinus.
Are we the robots XI
A portrait of one of the greatest futurists of all time.
Klaus I
A portrait of Klaus, a friend of mine.
Are we the robots IX
Portrait of Lumia. Cyborg style.
Are we the robots X
Selfportrait. Cyborg style.
are you here?
Are you here is contemporary abstract art made of an old computer case.
Icons of Speed I
Distance sensor meassuring the distance of the viewer to the object.
Mirror, Mirror on the wall - who is the sustainabelst of them all?
Mirror, Mirror on the wall - who is the sustainabelst of them all? Art made of Hard drive parts
Icons of Speed II
The Icons of Speed series is an interactive object made of hard drive motors and hard drive plates.
The Birds III
The birds series is pretty special.
GG tattered
The German Grundgesetz - this time tattered
The Birds IV
Silk screening on 3.5" hard drive plate as well as silk screening on wood.
don't tell anybody
Dominik Jais self portrait. 5 colour silk screening on floppy disks.
edition / run: 6
Uzi II
PCB styled floppydiskism silk screening print.
Digital AK47
PCB styled floppydiskism silk screening print.
Ruhrgebiet II
Again the Ruhrgebiet industry presented by their chimneys and the corresponding smoke.
Coffee and cigarets
Coffee and cigarettes!
Circle III
The 3rd work of the circle series.
Uzi I
PCB styled floppydiskism silk screening print. Inspired by a painting of an Uzi.
Ruhrgebiet III
When I first saw the Ruhrgebiet (Ruhr-Area, Germany) from one of
Circle I
Reflection about data structure and integrity.
run / edition: 10
Price per print
Ricky from the Dotcomms series.
Portrait of Lumia. 4 color silk screening on 3.5" floppy disks.
somebodys watching us
the photo was taken during students protests in Berlin back in 2004.
Circle II
Reflection about data structure and integrity.
Ruhrgebiet I
When I first saw the Ruhrgebiet (Ruhr area, Germany) from one of the remaining mining waste tip I
Who the wind blows
Germany is advanced in wind power. We have those modern "wind mills" everywhere.
Places of interest
run / edition: 5
Price per print: 120,- €
s9 II
The original face II is printed on an old portable easel.
Circle IV
edition / run: 5
Reflection about data structure and integrity.
Justitia I
The motive is based on a algorithm developed by Dominik Jais.
run / edition: 5
Price per print
run / edition: 5 prints
Price per print: 150,- €
s9 I
The original face II is printed on an old portable easel.